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About Us

    WHAT DO WE DO    

Opportunities Platform is a student led non-profit organization created by students on a mission to provide the youth with the tools and opportunities they need to help them in developing new skills and exploring their interests. We connect students to top internships, hackathons, competitions, workshops conducted by industry experts and more!

    HOW DO WE DO IT    

We find quality opportunities for students and share them on our social media platforms, connecting organizations with ambitious students and people who are interested in the activities they offer.

    WHY DO WE DO IT    

It is a big challenge to find suitable internships, workshops and/or competitions for students despite the fact that there is an abundance online. The idea came to Ankit, the founder of Opportunities Platform, from his personal experience. He has lived his whole life in a village where he didn’t have any opportunities to explore interests outside of his academics. He was not sure of what exactly he wanted to do in his life and knew that many others like him blindly followed what others did rather than exploring and participating in other activities of interest to them. Lacking these opportunities and knowing that there are millions of capable, passionate people out there that can use resources and a one-stop-shop for opportunities, he decided to create Opportunities Platform.


Our mission is to connect students and enthusiasts with the numerous opportunities to help them explore various career fields, broaden their horizon and gain new skills. In pursuing these opportunities students will find out their interests and set their goals. We also share college and career readiness events or workshops for students worldwide!


Our vision is to gather opportunities at one place so that every young person in every community has the resources to reach their full potential.

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